Life / Lifestyle / Mind

Falling in Love With Plants

My Dearest Readers!

The Woman Out of Time has recently fallen in love with plants. This love affair with house plants started rather unexpectedly. I live outside the city in the Murree hills and have always loved living amongst nature however, that is as far my interest in plants went. While my husband has been collecting houseplants for some time now, I have not been particularly very interested in them. I did diligently water our houseplants everyday, but that was my only connection with them. Recently however, plants have started to become a major part of my life.

This love of houseplants actually started with a visit to my Chachi (aunt). My Chachi’s house is full of plants, both indoors and outdoors. What inspired me was the way she had decorated her little pots of indoor plants with tiny ladybugs, little birds and little mushrooms and fences like indoor fairy-gardens. her little arrangements looked so pretty that I couldn’t help but wish for plants of my own.

Now I am a proud owner of multiple plants, some bought by my husband and some gifted to me by my Mother and my Chachi.

Much Love!

The Woman Out of Time 

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