Blog News / Life

New Directions

My Dear Readers!

You already know that this blog is going over a major overhaul. I had already announced in a previous post the The Woman Out of Time would be taking a new direction

Last December my husband and I welcomed our daughter Amal into this world and we hope that she would be the beginning of a happier and better life for the three of us. Which accounts for her name Amal, meaning Hope.

With Amal’s birth, I also hope to explore new avenues with this blog as I continue to grow and learn with my daughter. This is still primarily a book and lifestyle blog but with a few extra sprinklings of childhood magic. I hope you join me on this journey as The Woman Out of Time learns to navigate motherhood.

Hope to see you guys soon!


The Woman Out of Time

(Credit: Image by aKs_phOtOs from Pixabay)

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